DFW Tree Removal Service
Serving the DFW metroplex for over 35 years
"We'll go out on a limb for you"
Before & After Gallery


Here are before and after pictures of a trims that were done by special request. The customer wanted the maximum foliage removed as possible to increase the visibility of his new home. Typically, we remove a bit less foliage than this for our average trim jobs. These pictures depict a Heavy Trim Job.

Here is a very large Hackberry tree removal that was located at the Old American Golf Club maintenance building in The Colony, TX. The tree had a large split in the trunk and was in danger of splitting. You may notice that there were a few obstacles involved with this removal. In addition to the large split in the trunk that had to be strapped together (yellow strap), there was a large propane tank, a power line, and the roof of the maintenance building was a tin roof. So, we had to remove this tree very slowly and delicately. We started by removing the limbs over the tin roof, then removed the left limbs over the power lines and propane tank. When we finished, we had a large trunk sticking up about 25 feet; we took it down in small pieces over the parking area. Another safe Tree Removal by DFW Tree Removal Service.